Vitality, physical and mental health, balanced nervous system, excellent regeneration ability, understanding disease as a challenge for growth and development.

Flower Essence Elder returns strength to older people by stimulating the natural ability of regeneration and renewal of the body.

Key words: cleansing and cooling of the organism, against sunburn, dehydration. This flower essence is useful for people who feel "poisoned" and congested.

Key word: Mitigates intense feelings and mental states. This flower essence removes hidden fears, paranoia, anger and intense mental states.

Key words: tonic for sorrow and sadness. Mild renewal of the desire for life. Helps eliminate toxins from body. For purification.

Flower Essence Peach is for the care of the well-being of others, empathy, maturity, compassion, sensitivity to the needs of others, giving, etc.

Key word: Happiness, hope,  optimism, unhappy, sad, self-pitying, pessimistic. Positive characteristics: inspiration for others, hope, seeing good in everything.

Flower Essence Cucumber is against mild depression and for the cooling of emotions. They promote inclusion in life for those who have withdrawn from it.

Flower Essence Apricot harmonizes mood swings and extreme emotional states.  It helps people with difficulty to switch from one seasons to another.

Flower Essence Nettle helps when a person lacks the ability to recognize an unhealthy, toxic, or violent situation in his/her life.

Flower Essence Onion relieves healthy grief in loss situations and helps with various PMS symptoms that are caused by emotional causes.

Flower Essence Magnolia is useful for people who have a complex called "ugly duck". It is recommended for actors and people whose profession implies public appearances;

This combination harmonises the functioning of the thyroid gland and brings into balance its excessive function.


This combination of flower essences stimulates the normal operation of the thyroid gland.


Ova kombinacija cvetnih esencija razvija snažan imunitet i vitalnost, omogućava brz oporavak nakon bolesti, kako fizičkih tako i emocionalnih trauma.
