Flower Essence Red Poppyis for all women who feel vulnerable and are powerless to overcome their vulnerability.

Flower Essence Tilia is useful for people who perceive the business as a difficulty and too much responsibility.

Flower essence Lilac is especially suitable for the development of intuition, imagination, insight, a playful life-stance. stava.

Flower Essence Acacia is for people who do not pay attention to other people and insist in their own way.

Flower Essence Onion relieves healthy grief in loss situations and helps with various PMS symptoms that are caused by emotional causes.

Key words: against obsessive thoughts, indignation, lack of  delight in life, for all who have survived a kind of abuse or violence.

Ova kombinacija cvetnih esencija razvija snažan imunitet i vitalnost, omogućava brz oporavak nakon bolesti, kako fizičkih tako i emocionalnih trauma.
