Flower Essence Pear develop calmness, peace in the soul, returning to normal rhythms, facilitate being at the present moment.

Flower Essence Onion relieves healthy grief in loss situations and helps with various PMS symptoms that are caused by emotional causes.

This flower essence helps to clear and integrate past life events that affect our current reality. 

Flower Essence Acacia is for people who do not pay attention to other people and insist in their own way.

Key words: strong will, individuality, self-destructivity, healthy boundaries, protection against all kinds of negative effects.

This flower essence is for people who are chronically angry or suffering from suppressed anger. The flower essence acts by mitigating defensiveness in interpersonal relationships.

This flower essence helps to understand the deepest meaning of personal suffering that allows a person to discover and accept his own ways of serving the world.

You're nervous. Irritant. Tense. Frustrated. Dissatisfied. You can not relax and enjoy the simple little things that make everyday life.
