Positive characteristics: an abundance of energy resulting from the balance between polarities in the personality, balance between the left and right sides of the brain, balance, personality integrity, centering.

The Flower Essence Snowdrop is to overcome situations that seem hopeless and overcoming helplessness. It affects the fear of the new and the unknown.

Key words: communication, understanding, grounding and sexuality. This flower essence is for those who have difficulty receiving information or articulating them clearly.

Flower Essence Jerusalem Artichoke helps a person to take care of himself, renews attachment to his father and helps relieve all old problems in relationship with his father.

This flower essence helps to clear and integrate past life events that affect our current reality. 

Flower Essence Nettle helps when a person lacks the ability to recognize an unhealthy, toxic, or violent situation in his/her life.

Key words: Strength and durability, various types of fears, nightmares, gives courage to face everything that life brings.

Flower Essence Broccoli helps developing the character of responsibility, sincerity and courage. Heals perfectionism.

Flower Essence Pear develop calmness, peace in the soul, returning to normal rhythms, facilitate being at the present moment.