Positive characteristics: enjoyment of sexuality, positive beliefs about your body and sexuality, the development of intimacy in sex for both sexes, sexual self-confidence,

Flower Essence Elder returns strength to older people by stimulating the natural ability of regeneration and renewal of the body.

The Flower Essence Snowdrop is to overcome situations that seem hopeless and overcoming helplessness. It affects the fear of the new and the unknown.

Key words: communication, understanding, grounding and sexuality. This flower essence is for those who have difficulty receiving information or articulating them clearly.

Flower Essence Red Poppyis for all women who feel vulnerable and are powerless to overcome their vulnerability.

Key word: Happiness, hope,  optimism, unhappy, sad, self-pitying, pessimistic. Positive characteristics: inspiration for others, hope, seeing good in everything.

Flower Essence of Capsela bursa is useful for women who have fears about various stages of the menstrual cycle - fear of puberty in connection with breast augmentation, menstrual pain.   

Flower Essence Magnolia is useful for people who have a complex called "ugly duck". It is recommended for actors and people whose profession implies public appearances;

Flower Essence Pear develop calmness, peace in the soul, returning to normal rhythms, facilitate being at the present moment.

Flowering Essence Strawberries is suitable for those who have a strong sense of guilt, a low sense of personal value, self-blame and a sense of irresponsibility.

This combination supports women during perimenopause and menopause. It avoids sleep disorders, nervousness, fears and valunge.
