You're nervous. Irritant. Tense. Frustrated. Dissatisfied. You can not relax and enjoy the simple little things that make everyday life.
You're nervous. Irritant. Tense. Frustrated. Dissatisfied. You can not relax and enjoy the simple little things that make everyday life.
This combination of flower essences is useful for raising the resistance of an organism against bacterial infections.
This combination of essences is useful for raising the resistance of the body immune system against viral infections.
This combination of flower essences stimulates the detox of lymph and indirectly stimulates the detox of the whole organism.
This combination of flower essences stimulates the detox of the kidney and indirectly stimulates the detox of the whole organism.
This combination of flower essences stimulates liver detox and indirectly stimulates the detox of the whole organism.
This combination of flower essences stimulates the colon to eject the retained content and indirectly stimulates the detox of the whole organism.
This flower essence combination works to alleviate and diminish the fears of poverty. Opens a person for experiencing abundance in and around herself.
This combination supports women during perimenopause and menopause. It avoids sleep disorders, nervousness, fears and valunge.
This flower essence composition supports young ages 12-18 years old,during developmental challenges characteristic of puberty and adolescence.
This combination of flower essences helps with psychologicy based problems with fertility in women.
This combination harmonises the functioning of the thyroid gland and brings into balance its excessive function.
This combination of flower essences stimulates the normal operation of the thyroid gland.
This combination of flower essences helps children to attain a high level of concentration, attention and alertness during everyday school obligations.
This combination of flower essences helps to place healthy emotional boundaries in partnership, improves the ability to re-let feelings of love in spite of previous injuries and disappointments.
This combination of flower essences provides mental clarity and coherence, balanced use of intellectual abilities, focus on desired and important, interest in intellectual work and learning.
This combination of flower essences raises the ability of a person to recover physically and emotionally from trauma and shock, improve regenerative ability of the organism after the crisis, disaster, etc.
Ova kombinacija cvetnih esencija razvija snažan imunitet i vitalnost, omogućava brz oporavak nakon bolesti, kako fizičkih tako i emocionalnih trauma.
This combination of flower essences develops optimism and joy for life, the ability to maintain internal balance when facing difficulties.
This combination of flower essences facilitates normal development during all stages of childhood development until adolescence, allowing equal growth of the child's mental, emotional and physical development.
This combination of flower essences is to alleviate grief after loss, brings power and encouragement, spiritual protection and acceptance of death or loss of any kind.
This combination of flower essences is for a positive attitude towards one's own femininity and sexuality, it develops a sense of nurturing its femininity and grace.
This combination of flower essences is for a quiet sleep, relaxation, mental and physical rest during sleep.
This combination of flower essences is for tranquility during threatening and intimidating situations and events, giving the ability to move bravely forward in life despite the difficulties.
This combination of flower essences is for energy and enthusiasm in all aspects of functioning. It promotes the ability to use the will to achieve its own goals and complete projects.